Thursday, September 11, 2008

Make your Boss Proud of You

With today problem of jobs lay-offs, and strict job competition, you initiate to make sure that you keep your job in your hand. After all, you don't want to relive depressions of job hunting and application. And now you have a job and have comfort with your colleagues and the condition of your work, so it's the good time for you to save your position and create a good impression on your bosses.

Here a list to help you know your boss's favor and raise your career up.

1. Communicate Effectively

Good and effective communication among colleagues and their bosses is necessary to keep the company running smoothly. When you've just performed the job, try to ask relevant questions to help you understand what the company expects of you, and what you can expect from your employers. Ask some questions and showing interest in your work will indicate that you're proactive and willing to take initiative, characters that will certainly make your employer take notice of you.

2. Know your boss’ dislike

Try to find out from your colleagues exactly what bugging your boss the most, or what you should pay attention for when dealing with him or her.. Some of these employees have worked with your boss for several years, and they can give you a lot of advice about your employer's behavior or unusual quirks.
3. Love and embrace your work

Managers and bosses obviously want to see their employees accomplish their tasks with great enthusiasm and energy, a telltale sign that you care about what you can contribute to the well-being of the company. Learn to love your job! Once you do this, your boss will immediately see that you're an indispensable and valuable part of the company, and will most probably eye you for bigger and better projects in the future.

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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Be a Game Tester (Game Tester Job Information)

If you are looking for video game tester career information, then you have hit the jackpot. Video game testing is not just for bums and dropouts - its a serious career where you can potentially earn a killer salary. This article will give you an idea of what you need to be able to make a career of games testing, and what is the best way to start.

1 - Getting A Job

I got involved in games testing via contacts I had with a friend who worked as a game programmer. Today there are far easier ways to land game testing jobs. There are some legitimate game tester guides available which will connect you with the best jobs available at gaming companies. You do need to be wary, as there as also some scam products out there. Always look for testimonials, and recommendations. A great way to do this is to jump on a few forums - you will quickly be able to sniff out the guides which don't deliver.

2 - Game Testing Is A Career Not A Hobby

Obviously you are reading this article because you are serious about making video game testing into a career. This is very important as despite the fact getting paid to play video games is pretty much a dream job, you need to take it seriously - and gaming companies will reward you for doing so. If you prove that you are reliable then you will have the best chance of securing an abundance of future jobs.

3 - Always Meet Deadlines

When you get you first job, make sure that you deliver on time. You will most likely be expected to fill out a survey form in relation to the bugs and issues you find with the unreleased game. Make sure you get the job done on time, and gaming companies will reward you with more jobs. Trust me, this is good video game tester career information.

4 - Be Specific When Describing Bugs And Issues

You need to be able to be as specific as possible when describing potential issues with games. A game programmer will be dealing with your feedback, so there is certainly no need to simplify or summarise the issues you find. Again, I know for a fact the more information and the more specific you can be, the more you will be rewarded. Any mistake a programmer makes when creating a game can potentially cost the gaming companies millions of dollars.


Hopefully this article has given you some video game tester career information, and perhaps a direction in starting your journey to becoming a video game tester. Be persistent and show that you are through, and you will have no problem making a career out of it. Remember the gaming industry is worth billions, and is only set to grow further, so there will always be a need for eager video game testers.

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The Pepsi Job.....It's About Economic Job

In an era where the principal of economically sound is the foundation in considering any career, one must look at the industry and historical behavior to determine the security of that particular position. Case in point, Pepsi jobs, the world’s second largest beverage producer historically remains unaffected by economic downturn.

In an article provided on CNBC’s Stock Blog, titled Recession-Proof 'Pop' Stocks the idea of snack food companies, including Pepsi continue to hit forecasted numbers. This result is largely a factor of being in control of so many variables and masterly being able to tweak certain components to end with the desired result. With that said, American and global desire for certain brands do not deflate as the pocket book becomes tighter because of inflated fuel costs, food and other staples.

In a career, an economically sound and stable company is a high priority for job seekers, many of who have recently been downsized or laid off from other industries. Pepsi Cola is an excellent company for anyone looking for a sound job. A Pepsi job can provide a moderate level of income, career advancement, benefits, satisfaction and more.

There are many different jobs available at Pepsi:

Warehouse worker: A warehouse worker is responsible for loading and unloading trucks, securing product, counting product, and preparing the necessary paperwork for documenting the trucks. Average Wage: $15.50/HR

Merchandiser: A merchandiser generally works in large grocery stores and is responsible for taking product from the stock room and placing it on the stores shelves, coolers, and displays. Merchandising is a physically demanding job and requires a very motivated worker. Average Wage: $14.25/HR

Driver: A local Pepsi driver delivers product from warehouse/plant to grocery stores, restaurants, businesses, and event locations as needed. The driver is responsible for managing thousands of dollars of inventory between the warehouse and final destination. The requires vigilance of product quantities and quality. A Pepsi driver can experience anywhere from light to heavy physical activity demanding on the specific driving job. Average Wage: $19.30/HR

Sales Professional: A Pepsi Salesman effectively writes the orders for most stores that sell Pepsi Product. This Pepsi Job aligns itself with industry norms where the salesman is responsible for store inventory levels, generally eliminating the need for a store to devote time to write the order. Another responsibility of a Pepsi Salesman is selling in and maintaining new products and programs in order to increase business and volume. This position requires low to moderate levels of physical activity. Average Wage: $26/HR, including bonuses

All in all, a Pepsi job is an economically safe position, while providing moderate income potential.

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Monday, August 4, 2008

Job Interview Terror :: "The Answer of Top Popular Job Interview"

Every job interview features two broad categories of questions:

(1) Questions specific to the role, and
(2) General questions.

We have compiled a list of some of the general/popular questions and have given advice on each.

Remember one thing though – no matter how good you are, you must not slouch, fidget, look distracted or appear over-eager while answering any question at an interview.

Instead maintain a calm, confident and positive appearance and answer the questions honestly.

Here are the general questions and their answers:

"Tell us more about yourself".

Reconcile your personality with the skills required for the job and then answer the question honestly. Basically, the interviewer wants to know how you are tailored for the job and whether you have it in you to deliver the goods over the medium-long term. So before going for the interview, research and understand the skills needed and honestly put across your take on why you consider yourself the right person for the job.

"How well do you work in teams?"

Most jobs are successfully accomplished only by team effort and all organizations look to hire team players. You must extract the best "team" moments from your past job/s experience/s and convince the interviewer how you have achieved success in the past working with teams. If you are being interviewed for a senior position, then you have to mention how you have motivated teams in the past to achieve excellent results for past employer/s.

"Talk about your strengths and weaknesses".

This is a show-and-tell question. Talk about your best skills, whip out your e-portfolio (or print portfolio) and display the evidence of all your hard work. Here you must talk about your strengths that reconcile with the demands of the current job. As far as weaknesses go, you have to be honest and because if the employer gets the feeling you're hiding something, he won't hire you. However, after describing a weakness, you should also add how you can overcome adversity and convert it into opportunity.

"How do you handle deadlines and the stress associated with them?"

Stress is everywhere and you have likely encountered stressful situations in your job. There's no other way but to tell the employer honestly how you have tackled stress in the workplace in the past and how do you propose to tackle it going ahead.

"Why do you consider yourself the best person for the job?"

Well this is subtle sales pitch time. State your case confidently and calmly. Add whatever you have researched to your experience and apply it to real-life work situations you are likely to encounter and offer your solutions and ideas. If your replies carry weight and your solutions are creative and practical, you will get the job.

"Do you have any questions to ask?"

Candidates, who don't ask any questions of the employer are perceived to be lacking initiative and motivation, so research the job and the history of the company and pose intelligent questions about them.

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Retirement is Death....Keep Working

According Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, a Singapore elder statesman who turns 85 this year at a recent silver industry conference, the secret to his longevity is attributed to his active life and the fact that he has never stopped working. In his own words, "We got to educate those about to retire: Don't retire, work. Retirement means death." Is this inferred to also mean that we should all be working till death?

In Japan, people really do work to their deaths! They even have a term for it, "Karoshi", which means death from overwork. Because of peer pressure to keep up with or out-do their colleagues or competitors, some Japanese work at such frenzied pace that they end up dying from a heart attack or stroke due to the overwhelming amount levels of overtime and stress!

For most people, their main purpose in life is to retire comfortably. In order to attain this goal, many defer enjoyment and leisure to work as hard as they possibly can, save as much money, and hopefully be able to stop working by the time they reach their sixties. Only when they retire would they try to sit back, relax, pursue their hobbies and try to enjoy the rest of their later years. But with the soaring costs of living and erosion in the value of money, how practical can this dream retirement be? We would probably have to settle for much less as we watch our savings deplete and get eroded away by inflation. It has become a worrying fact that not many of us would be able to afford a comfortable retirement with the same high standard of living we had before we retire. Even if we do manage to save enough money, would we have the energy or health to start pursuing our interests only then after leading such a hectic work life previously?

I agree that retirement means death, but only if pursue retirement as an end goal by itself. What do I mean by this? It means that we should not be working for work's sake in order to attain retirement as the starting point to enjoy life. When you are in your sixties, what if you find that after deferring gratification by burying yourself in work for so many years, you end up not finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? You end up losing the sense of purpose and meaning to your life and this is a very frightening prospect.

My suggestion is this, to start doing what you love NOW! Be it a hobby or interest, I'm sure there's ways to start earning money from it either in a related job or as your own business venture. If work is your passion, it becomes play and I'm sure that you will never ever going to stop pursuing what you love doing until you die. In this way, retirement becomes an irrelevant concept and you can be deriving gratification, a sense of purpose and meaning from work at the same time!

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." - Herman Cain

So start doing what you love now and you'll never look at work in the same light again!

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