Monday, February 9, 2009

Manage Your Career in Positive

Recession, Recession the word is everywhere. When we hear this word we automatically think job losses and economic doom. It is all around us, the TV, websites and radio are all reporting stories of financial despair. What officially is a recession? A recession is the extended decline in the gross domestic product (GDP), typically two consecutive quarters. You may be wondering, if businesses are experiencing a decline, are they willing to hire? Is now the time for me to begin a job search and start a new career? Though hearing the word and thinking of the consequences stemming from the recession can be scary, rest assured there are still reasons to keep a positive outlook in a job search.

Over the next five years, 76 million baby boomers are expected to retire leaving large vacancies in the management ranks across many industries. According to The Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the areas expected to lose the most employees are Education, Healthcare, Manufacturing and Engineering. The expected shortage from the boomers departure will have a profound effect on the availability of jobs. Even with a recession, many of these retirements will still happen, and jobs will still be available.

There is more good news. Based on activity within the FPC system nationwide, biotech, pharmaceutical, medical device, along with environmental, security and international business are just some of the areas with strong job activity.

Let’s take a look at steps you can take in your job search during an economic downturn.

1. Research your industry. Is your field growing or decreasing? Have job functions been removed? There are a number of online resources that can provide projections for specific areas. The Bureau of Labor and Statistics (,The Wall Street Journal (, Barron’s (, and Financial Times ( are a few sources. Look to your industry associations for information. They can tell you what is happening in your industry and give you a better idea of what the job market looks like. There are also a number of industry and business blogs which you can locate using a blog directory

2. Stay Flexible. If you are particularly interested in changing positions now, maintaining a flexible attitude toward transitioning your skills into a new area will help you broaden your reach and make you more marketable.

3. Evaluate your expertise. Have you expanded on your skills over time? What can you offer that others cannot? Are your skills transferable into another industry that is projected to stay strong?

4. Network. By networking you can find out about job openings that are not advertised. If you are hesitant about networking, read our article entitled “The Practical Guide to Networking.” The article is designed to help those people who do not feel particularly skilled at networking. Seeking informational interviews through networking is a way to get the word out about your job hunt and get some assistance from the inside.

5. Always have your resume ready. FPC has devoted an entire section of the website to resume writing, from writing an effective resume, and tailoring your resume, to not getting lost in a company’s database.

6. Partner with an expert. Find a mentor who can lead and support you through the process. A recruiter or a career counselor can help position you for a successful hunt. Recruiters also have access to positions that are not advertised to the general public and can highlight your achievements to potential employers.

7. Help others with their career search. Anyone who reaches out to help others network for their job search is more likely to receive reciprocal assistance. Whether you are looking for a job or not, always lend a hand to those you know are seeking networking help.

8. Maintain Your Online Presence. In today’s job market, it is vital for candidates to be cognizant of their online presence. This means knowing what a potential employer will find if they google your name. You do have some control over this, so make sure you put some effort into branding yourself online. This can mean a profile on the professional networking site LinkedIn, or social networking sites like Facebook, or any other place your name appears online where you have the opportunity to sell your qualifications. Read the article entitled “Social Networking Can Damage Your Job Search” for more information on managing your online presence.

Taking these steps will make you more marketable and competitive in your search.

It’s also important that you lay the groundwork now for a successful search. That means, taking steps where you are now to pack your resume with accomplishments will help you stand out in the crowd. Some of the things you can do within your current company to help your job search include:

1. Seek ways to cut costs. Find areas of waste within your company. Suggest ways of efficient spending in the workplace.

2. Increase your visibility. Be noticed in positive ways. Leave a great impression each day with co-workers and supervisors.

3. Go above and beyond. Work beyond your job title and description. Volunteer for additional responsibilities that can be highlighted on your resume.

4. Skill advancement. Take a few classes or attend career enhancement workshops. You can also take online software classes – often for free. Even if you don’t use a given software at your company, learning an industry standard software is very important.

5. Keep a positive attitude. Be professional at all times. Be a team player and promote a positive morale within the office. People remember this, and you will need your coworkers to provide glowing references to potential employers. A disgruntled employee rarely gets a positive reference.

If you’re not working in a promising career field, focus on your skills that can be used in other industries and consider changing your career path if necessary. Plan your next move, network and research different industries to find your niche. There are many tools online that can help.

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