Friday, March 13, 2009

Managing All Kinds of Boss and Your Career

There are dozens of careers and each demands a special skill set. However, there is one skill that is universal to all career paths: managing your boss. Without this skill you're not likely to succeed.

We can place our bosses into six broad categories.

Everyone's Pal
This boss wants to be liked, and usually avoids conflict. She is likely to let problems or incorrect behavior drag on until she is forced to deal with it.

It is difficult for her employees because often they do not get the feedback they need to improve and grow. If you are a high achiever, you'll find yourself picking up the pieces for those not meeting the standards. It is easier for the boss to give more work to the high achiever than it is to correct the under achiever.

Self Promoter
This is the boss who is out to make a name for her. This may include taking credit from his staff. However, she is ready to share the blame. Because she is always looking to grab the spotlight, this leaves her little time to develop her staff.

High Achiever
These dedicated bosses are generally the first to arrive at the office, and the last to leave. A boss like this is constantly looking for ways to optimize her department, and to improve her knowledge and skills. They are political people who understand the value of networking.

Because they look beyond themselves, they are open to your ideas and eager to give you new opportunities. They also share all types of feedback, so you know where you stand.

The downside of high achievers is that they cast a large shadow. Often they are legendary in the department. However, they will challenge you and can bring out your best if you allow it.

The roadblock does as little work as possible. They tend to hire mediocre employees and don't push employees too hard. They love to preserve the status quo. These bosses tolerate mistakes, re-work, and inefficiencies. Ambitious employees or peers are threatening to this boss.

They are called roadblocks because they are seldom promoted, and seldom hire stars. They block the road for others to move ahead. They also hold the department back from meeting its highest potential.

B+ Manager
Most managers fall into this category. These are solid managers who do her best to run an efficient department. They are pretty good at giving feedback, and often offer opportunities to top team members.

They are likely to do well in the company, as are those that they mentor.

In Over Her Head
Have you ever had a boss who seemed to know less about her job than you? Most of us can answer, "Yes." This type of manager is in over her head. For whatever reason they were promoted to a position which they do not have the ability or knowledge to handle.

Don't expect much guidance from this manager. And, she probably does not have much clout among her peers and senior management or partners.

The good news is you have tremendous opportunity to take on some of her responsibilities, and possibly accompany her at high-level meetings. A manager like this will welcome your discreet support.

Importance of delivery style and timing

Have you categorized your boss? Now we know her work and management style. Let's take a look at two more important things to know. Personality type and timing can greatly affect your message, and your relationship.

Is your boss more logical or emotional? If your boss is highly logical, you won't want to rush to her with your exciting new proposal unless you've researched it completely. On the other hand, if your boss is emotional you'll need to capture her attention with an energetic pitch. When communicating with your boss, match your delivery style with her style.

Don't underestimate the importance of timing. Does your boss treasure an undisturbed hour each morning? Be observant and work around her schedule. Bad timing can kill even the best idea.

How can you relate to each boss type?

Everyone's Pal
When your boss does something good, give her sincere praise.

Be an information resource for her, especially regarding interdepartmental issues. She'll appreciate inside information.

Make her look good. She takes pride in her reputation. Look out for chances to give her honest kudos at office meetings, in newsletters and in front of clients.

Since she is not likely to give you direct criticism, ask her for development advice.

Relationships are important to her. Be honest and loyal at all times.

Bottom line: Encourage feedback and solicit assignments to help you build your career.

You are just a satellite around this boss. Find ways to increase her political capital.

Look for opportunities for bylines in industry publications, and offer to help with the research.

Recommend her for conference panels and awards.

Acknowledge when she does something noteworthy.

Ask her for advice.

Bottom Line: Even though you have become a part time PR machine for your boss, don't forget to take care of yourself. Continue to enrich yourself, network and be alert for your next big opportunity.

High Achiever
Take her seriously. Be on time and meet deadlines.

Ask for challenging assignments.

Anticipate needs within your job and your team and take charge.

Become an expert. Offer to share your knowledge with the team.

Offer to "back up" your boss when she is on vacation.

Bottom Line: High achievers appreciate initiative and commitment to the team goals.

This person can be easily threatened. Put this boss at ease by showing her that she is in charge and you are here to make her life easier.

Keep her informed of office news and competitor data.

Volunteer to take on challenging assignments that may be bogging her down.

Build a network outside your department. Try working on a task force or other corporate initiative that crosses department lines. If you hit a dead end under this boss, you'll need other avenues to explore.

Bottom Line: Expand your knowledge and skill base without intimidating your boss. Know when you've hit a roadblock and be ready to move on.

B+ Manager
This manager is busy. If you can identify current problems and solve them, you'll be valued.

Keep track of these problems and how you solved them. Remember to bring these up at your review. If you don't have regular reviews, ask for a one-on-one meeting to discuss your performance.

Monitor industry news, including new legislation affecting you and your clients. Condense that information and share the highlights with your manager.

Stay in touch with your manager. Let her know the types of assignments you are craving.

Bottom Line: Save her time. Keep yourself visible. You want to be on her radar screen when an opportunity appears.

In Over Her Head
Be a resource of procedural and technical information. Offer to make a department manual, if one does not exist.

Find subtle ways to support her without threatening her.

Offer to accompany your boss to important meetings. Help prepare the presentation.

Never outshine your boss. You'll look bad in her eyes and everyone else's.

Don't give your boss false praise.

Broaden your network.

Keep your eyes peeled for mission critical projects. Your boss may not be aware of what is hot.

Bottom Line: Don't get frustrated or apathetic because of your boss' inadequacies. Instead, use your creativity to develop your skills and network base.

Here is some all-purpose advice for managing your boss, and your career.

Investigate and volunteer for mission critical projects.

Know your boss' biggest issues, and solve them.

Use "we" statements; create unity.

Know the office protocol and follow it.

Keep busy, but make your work seem effortless.

Be loyal and committed.

Become an expert in your field and share your knowledge.

Encourage and appreciate candid feedback from your boss.

Create your own development plan and update it every 60 days. Share your plan with your boss.

Network, network, network.

Most importantly, add value to your boss, your team and your company daily.

Building a relationship is more than diagnosing a personality type and following a communication model. Your boss is human. Use these tips as a shortcut to a stronger relationship with your boss.

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